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(615) 244-3000

There is a lengthy and detailed procedure in place in the Tennessee Statute for the adoption of children and adults that recognizes and effectuates, the rights and interests of persons affected by adoption, especially those of the adopted persons, which seeks to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that:

(1) Children are removed from the homes of their parents or guardians only when that becomes the only alternative that is consistent with the best interest of the child;

(2) Children are placed only with those persons who have been determined to be capable of providing proper care and a loving home for an adopted child;

(3) The rights of children to be raised in loving homes that are capable of providing proper care for adopted children and that the best interests of children in the adoptive process are protected;

(4) The adoptive process protects the rights of all persons who are affected by that process and who should be entitled to notice of the proceedings for the adoption of a child;

(5) The adoption proceedings are held in an expeditious manner to enable the child to achieve permanency, consistent with the child’s best interests, at the earliest possible date; and

(6) The adopted child is protected in the child’s adoptive relationship from any interference by any person who may have some legal claim after the child has become properly adjusted to the child’s adoptive home.

Since adoptions occur when a biological parent’s rights are terminated and there is such a specific procedure in place, hiring the best attorney to represent you for your situation is very important.

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Please contact our office to schedule a consultation to discuss your Adoption issues. Our office has experience handling Adoption cases.
615-244-3000 or Audrey

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